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Counselling / Psychology / Mental Health
Counselling provides a safe space to explore the challenges of today, or the past, and build skills that empower you to live a life connected to joy, a life with a purpose the resonates for you. Every counsellor has their own way of providing that safe space, and their own frameworks for supporting you on your healing journey. There is no ONE RIGHT WAY for counselling to be, so it is important that you work with a counsellor that does things in a way that resonates with you.
My counselling style is called Person-Centered or "Rogerian" (based on Carl Rogers, and his theories that include providing unconditional positive regard). I am also social justice orientated, which means I actively work on building my capacity to understand the world we live in, through frameworks that recognize marginalizaiton and oppression, privilege and societal ills. I use different skills in different situations, which is often referred to as integrative counselling. For example, I am experienced with using CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) which explores the link between our own perceptions (thoughts) and our emotions, and that these feed our reaction (beahviours). I am also aware that not every challenge we face in today's world can be corrected by adjusting our thoughts-there are very real challenges that should not be silenced or minimized by ''fixing our thoughts". Therefore I also use DBT (Dialectic Behaviour Therapy) skills, Feminist Therapy, Psychological education, Skill Building, Interoception and Tri-phasic trauma therapy frameworks as needed.
I am adept at supporting folk who have experienced childhood trauma, sexual trauma, and neurodivergent masking trauma. I am also skilled at supporting individuals and couples/throuples in building intimacy and connection.
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